Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Julie Everett Nyongesa Pharmacy

On November 8, 2007 we celebrated the renaming of the Purdue Pharmacy to the Julie Everett Nyongesa Pharmacy. As you can see from the pictures, we celebrated this joyous occasion from the balcony of the AMPATH center with over 70 close colleagues and friends from AMPATH. The greatest part of this celebration for me was the speeches of Beatrice Jakait (AMPATH Pharmacy Department Head) and Joe Mamlin (AMPATH Co-Field Director). While I’ve always heard all about the great things Julie has done and all her contributions to the program, it was great to finally have the next generation of AMPATH members (including myself) take a moment to really reflect on how far this program has come because of her.
As we continue to watch the program grow from its humble roots, we will now have a constant reminder of where we came from whenever we look at the Julie Everett Nyongesa Pharmacy. The celebration was capitulated by the announcement from Joe that PEPFAR has decided that they will award us the $60 million grant that will allow AMPATH to continue to grow and serve patients. While I never met Julie and only exchanged one email with her, from all I’ve heard about her, I have a feeling there are very few things that would have made her happier than knowing the work she started will continue for many years to come through this $60 million grant.

My favorite picture, however, is of the new generation of the AMPATH Pharmacy staff happily filling the tackleboxes (started by Julie) under her smiling picture.